Lectures to Watch
C. Theofanopoulou (2025). Oxytocin’s Pathway to the Origins of Speech and Dance. CARTA Symposium, UC San Diego/Salk Institute Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), CA, USA, February 14.
C. Theofanopoulou (2025). Speech, Dance, and the Brain. The Neurohumanities Network (supported by Harvard University), Jan 28.
C. Theofanopoulou (2024). Tapping into the Neurobiology of Speech and Dance Production. Yale University (The Franke Program in Science and the Humanities), CT, USA, October 23.
C. Theofanopoulou (2024). Dance, Movement, & the Brain. Dana Foundation, NY, USA, July 24.
C. Theofanopoulou (upcoming). TBA. McMaster University (Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behavior), ON, Canada.
​C. Theofanopoulou (upcoming). Tapping into the Neurobiology of Speech and Dance. University of Pennsylvania (Computational Neuroscience Initiative), PA, USA.
C. Theofanopoulou (2025). Oxytocin’s Pathway to the Origins of Speech and Dance. CARTA Symposium, UC San Diego/Salk Institute Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), CA, USA, Feb 14.
C. Theofanopoulou (2025). Tapping into the Neurobiology of Speech and Dance. RU Neuroscience Symposium. The Rockefeller University, NY, USA, Feb 6.
C. Theofanopoulou (2025). Speech, Dance, and the Brain. The Neurohumanities Network (supported by Harvard University), Jan 28.
C. Theofanopoulou (2024). Neurobiology of Speech and Dance. Pace University, NY, USA, Nov 19.
C. Theofanopoulou (2024). Tapping into the Neurobiology of Speech and Dance Production. Yale University (The Franke Program in Science and the Humanities), CT, USA, October 23.
C. Theofanopoulou (2024). The Neuroscience of the Arts and Social Connection. The Art and Science of Social Connection Symposium, UN General Assembly (UNGA) Healing Arts Week, New York University (Steinhardt), NY, USA, Sept 18. (PEL)
C. Theofanopoulou (2024). Dance, Movement, & the Brain. Dana Foundation, NY, USA, July 24. (PEL)
C. Theofanopoulou (2024). Tapping into the neurobiology of speech and dance production. The Science and Art of Movement Festival, Virginia Tech, VA, USA, June 20.
C. Theofanopoulou (2024). My experience as a mentor to the World Science Scholars. World Science Festival, Gerald W. Lynch Theater at John Jay College, NY, USA, May 30. (PEL)​
C. Theofanopoulou 2024. Neurobiology of human sensory-motor communication: from speech to dance. Gordon Research Conferences (“Neural Mechanisms of Acoustic Communication”), Jordan Hotel at Sunday River, Maine, USA, May 20.
C. Theofanopoulou 2024. Tapping into the neurobiology of speech and dance production. Dance and Dialogues (“Social Bridges Series” conference), Dresden University of Technology, Germany, April 9.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2024. Tapping into the neurobiology of speech and dance. New York University, Center for Ballet and the Arts, NY, USA, February 5. [public engagement]
C. Theofanopoulou. 2023. Art & the Brain. The “Dana Foundation Neuroscience & Society Talk Series”. Secret Science Club, NY, USA, December 5. [public engagement]
C. Theofanopoulou. 2023. Neurobiology of social communication: from speech to dance. City College of New York, NY, USA, November 27.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2023. Insights into the neurobiology of sensory-motor communication. Yale University, CT, USA, November 1.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2023. Testing a dance intervention to alleviate speech deficits in mental health disorders. Stavros Niarchos Foundation Nostos Conference. Athens, Greece, June 22. [public engagement]
C. Theofanopoulou. 2023. Hardwired for Song and Dance: The Neurobiology of Language and Movement. 2023 Lecture for The Rockefeller University Council and The Committee on Trust and Estate Gift Plans. Rockefeller University, NY, USA, April 27.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2023. Insights into the neurobiology of sensory-motor communication. Dance Science Symposium. University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, USA, April 22. [keynote]
C. Theofanopoulou. 2022. Neurobiology of social communication: from speech to dance. 2022 Showcase Symposium. Allen Institute, WA, USA, December 14.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2022. The Oxytocin-Vasotocin System: From Speech to Nomenclature. Clinical Scholars lecture. Rockefeller University, NY, USA, October 19.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2022. Human self-domestication and speech evolution through the lens of the oxytocin and vasotocin gene family. Cultural Evolution Society meeting. Aarhus, Denmark, September 22.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2022. Champions Under 40: Paving the Way Forward. Regional Growth Conference, Conference and Cultural Center of the University of Patras, Greece, June 11.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2022. The role of oxytocin in language. Ioannina Science Festival, Ioannina, Greece, June 5. [keynote]
C. Theofanopoulou. 2021. Genomic evolution of the oxytocin-vasotocin system and its implication in socially motivated behaviours. Harvard Medical School, BOS, MA, October 20.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2021. Finishing your PhD. Talk to the Yale Ciencia Academy. Yale School of Medicine, CT, US, August 10.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2021. Universal nomenclature for oxytocin-vasotocin ligands and receptors: insights on whole genome duplication scenarios. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Crete, Greece, July 13.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2021. Eudaemonia; interdisciplinary. TEDx talk, TEDxAUTH 2021, June 27. [public engagement]
C. Theofanopoulou. 2021. From social motivation of vocal learning to domestication: insights from the oxytocin-vasotocin system. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico, June 25.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2021. Neurobiology of vocal learning. Talk and Discussion with the Columbia University and Barnard college undergraduates in the context of the ‘Neuroscience Frontiers’ course. March 30.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2020. Comparative genomics reveal the evolutionary history of oxytocin and vasotocin ligands and receptors. University of Toledo, Ohio, USA, May 4.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2019. A universal vertebrate gene nomenclature: a case study of the oxytocin/vasotocin ligand and receptor family. Advancing the missions of the Vertebrate Genomes Project, Earth Biogenome Project, and other genome projects (VGP Annotation, Alignment and Data Coordination Breakout). Rockefeller University, New York, NY, August 28.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2018. Somos los humanos auto-domesticados? BCNspiracy, CosmoCaixa (Museum of Science), Barcelona, Spain, October 27. [public engagement]
C. Theofanopoulou. 2017. The role of oxytocin in language. 2017 Marie Curie Alumni Association Conference and General Assembly, Alameda Palace Hotel, Salamanca, Spain, March 24. [public engagement + award winner]
C. Theofanopoulou. 2016. Self-domestication of the Homo sapiens and the case of oxytocin. Dognition Laboratory (PI: Brian Hare), Duke University, NC, USA, November 30.
C. Boeckx & C. Theofanopoulou. 2016. Some unconventional thoughts on neurolinguistics. Universitat de Barcelona, Escola Universitaria D'Infermeria, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain, January 5.
C. Boeckx & C. Theofanopoulou. 2015. Brain-related genes and craniofacial development. Center for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain, December 3.
C. Theofanopoulou, S. Elgart, M. Kuznicki, E.D. Jarvis. Dissecting the relationship between speech and dance in humans: from brain pathways to clinical therapy. Society for Neuroscience 2023, Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC, USA, November 12.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2022. How to identify true gene orthologs across species. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists. Anaheim, California, USA, November 10.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2021. Universal nomenclature for oxytocin-vasotocin ligands and receptors. Kavli Neural Systems Institute Mini-Symposium Series (Methods). Rockefeller University, NY, USA, June 17.
C. Theofanopoulou, D. Lipkind, O. Tchernichovski, C. Boeckx, E. D. Jarvis. 2018. The effect of social reward in vocal learning: Testing an oxytocin-dependent mechanism. Nanosymposium: Social Communication and Behavior. Sfn Neuroscience 2018, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA, November 4.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2018. The evolutionary history of oxytocin and vasopressin ligands and receptors and their role in vocal learning. Workshop: Understanding the neuroregulatory actions of oxytocin and its potential clinical applications, Erice, Sicily, Italy, May 24.
B. Samuels, P.T. Martins, T. O’Rourke, A. Andirko, S. Alamri, C. Theofanopoulou, C. Boeckx. 2018. Rethinking neoteny and neuroplasticity in language evolution. Workshop: New Directions in Language Evolution Research, 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europæa, Tallin, Estonia, August 29.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2018. Are we humans self-domesticated? Sala Ramón y Cajal, University of Barcelona, March 21. [public engagement + award winner]
C. Theofanopoulou. 2018. Convergences in (self-)domesticated species. Workshop: Self-domestication and language evolution, Evolang XII, Hotel Filmar, Torún, Poland, April 16. [award winner]
C. Theofanopoulou. 2017. Reward mechanisms of vocal learning. Does oxytocin 'excite' lanuage? Minisymposium: Insights from birdsong into the evolution and development of spoken language, Protolang5, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, September 26.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2017. Reward mechanisms of vocal learning. Does oxytocin 'excite' lanuage? Laboratory of Neurogenetics of Language (PI: Erich D. Jarvis), Rockefeller University, NY, USA, June 28.
C. Theofanopoulou, T. O’ Rourke, S. Gastaldon, A. Messner, B. Samuels, P.T. Martins, S. Alamri & C. Boeckx. 2017. Paleogenomic evidence for self-domestication in Homo sapiens. European Human Behavior and Evolution Association 2017, Ecole normale supérieure (ENS), Paris, France, April 6. [award winner]
C. Theofanopoulou, G. Gedman, C. Boeckx, E. D. Jarvis. 2017. The Oxytocin Receptor and the Vasopressin/Vasotocin Receptor 1A appear to be paralogous sister genes explaining their common functions. Nanosymposium: Hormonal and Neuropeptide Control of Physiology and Behavior. Sfn Neuroscience 2017, Washington, D.C., USA, November 15.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2017. The role of oxytocin in language. Barcelona Science Slam 2017 organized by the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA), Opathy, SINGEK, Incite and EuroLeish. Bar Mau Mau, Barcelona, Spain, March 3. [public engagement + winner lecture]
C. Theofanopoulou. 2016. Implications of oxytocin in language. Cold Spring Harbor Lab, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, July 25.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2016. Implications of oxytocin in the reward mechanisms of auditory-vocal learning. Jarvis Laboratory. Duke University, NC, USA. July 31.
C. Boeckx & C. Theofanopoulou. 2016. The complex system underlying neoteny and the evolution of human cognition. V Jornada Complexitat. Cat: Unifying Complexity Science, INEFC, Barcelona, Spain, May 19.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2016. Why oxytocin might affect rhythmicity. EVOLANG 11 (Workshop: Rhythm: Development, Evolution and Cognition), Tulane University, USA, March 21.
C. Boeckx, C. Theofanopoulou & A. Benítez- Burraco. 2016. How the brain got grammaticalized: Globularization And (self-)domestication. EVOLANG 11, University of Mississippi, USA, March 22.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2015. Rhythms in the Alzheimer’s Disease’s brain: A treatable endophenotype? IV Clinical Linguistics International Congress, University of Barcelona, Spain, November 18.
C. Boeckx, C. Theofanopoulou, & A. Benítez-Burraco. 2015. Brain-related genes and craniofacial development: a robust molecular link for clinical linguistics. IV Clinical Linguistics International Congress, University of Barcelona, Spain, November 19.
C. Theofanopoulou & C. Boeckx. 2015. Can adequate cognitive phylogenies be constructed? Protolang 4. Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, September 25.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2014. Greek Light Verbs. 35th Meeting of Linguistics’ Department. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. May 9.
Lima Carmona, Y., Theofanopoulou+ , C., J.L. Contreras-Vidal+. (upcoming). Unveiling Brain Activity during Dancing: Insights from mobile EEG Hyperscanning of Professional Butoh Dancers. Society for Neuroscience 2024, McCormick Place, IL, USA, October 8.
Barceló, L., Contreras-Vidal, J.L., C. Theofanopoulou. (2023). A pipeline to denoise mobile electroencephalography data of dance performance. Barnard College Summer Research Institute 2023 Poster Session, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, August 23.
C. Theofanopoulou, G. Gedman, J.A. Cahill, C. Boeckx, C., E. D. Jarvis. 2019. A universal evolution-based nomenclature for the oxytocin and vasotocin ligand and receptor families. 13th World Congress on Neurohypophysial Hormones (WCNH2019), Ein Gedi, Israel, April 9. [award winner]
C. Lee, S. Cho, C. Theofanopoulou, C. Boeckx, H. Kim, E. D. Jarvis. 2019. Molecular Convergence Between Humans and Bonobos vs Chimpanzee. International Plant & Animal Genome XXVII, San Diego, CA, USA, January 13.
C. Theofanopoulou, G. Gedman, J.A. Cahill, C. Boeckx, C., E. D. Jarvis. 2019. A universal evolution-based nomenclature for the oxytocin and vasotocin ligand and receptor families. Sfn Neuroscience 2019, McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 23.
C. Theofanopoulou, G. Gedman, J.A. Cahill, C. Boeckx, C., E. D. Jarvis. 2019. A universal evolution-based nomenclature for the oxytocin and vasotocin ligand and receptor families. Sfn Neuroscience 2019, McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 19. [International Fellows poster session+ IBRO award]
C. Theofanopoulou, D. Lipkind, O. Tchernichovski, C. Boeckx, E. D. Jarvis. 2018. The effect of social reward in vocal learning: Testing an oxytocin-dependent mechanism. Nanosymposium: Social Communication and Behavior. Sfn Neuroscience 2018, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA, November 3. [Trainee Professional Development Awards poster session]
Μuñoz AndrikÏŒ, C. Theofanopoulou & C. Boeckx. 2017. Differences on the OXTR between modern humans and extinct hominids: a window to our
language-ready behavior. Protolang5, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, September 27.
Boeckx, C. Theofanopoulou, B. Samuels & M. Kuhlwilm. 2017. Genetic changes associated with bone remodeling activity and the origin of the modern human face. 7th Annual ESHE Meeting, Stadsgehoorzaal, Leiden, Netherlands, September 21.
T. Goldstein, C. Theofanopoulou & E. D. Jarvis. 2017. Social Reward Enhances Vocal Learning in the Zebra Finch. Summer Science Research Program. Rockefeller University, NY, USA, August 10.
C. Theofanopoulou, G. Geldman, C. Boeckx & E. D. Jarvis. 2017. A proposed universal nomenclature for the oxytocin and vasotocin ligand and receptor families. 18th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology, Chateau Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, June 4-9. [award winner]
C. Theofanopoulou, G. Geldman, C. Boeckx & E. D. Jarvis. 2017. A proposed universal nomenclature for the oxytocin and vasotocin ligand and receptor families. Human Genome Meeting (Hugo-HGM). Hotel Barceló Sants, Barcelona, Spain, February 5.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2016. The endocrinome of social communication. Nanosymposium ‘Oxytocin and Social Behavior’. Sfn Neuroscience 2016, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA, November 12.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2016. How social-reward hormones modulate language-learning. Beyond Language Learning Workshop, Campus Poblenou, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, September 29.
C. Boeckx, C. Theofanopoulou & S. Alamri. 2016. Characterizing the species-specific developmental trajectory underlying our enhanced learning capacity. Beyond Language Learning Workshop, Campus Poblenou, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, September 29.
C. Theofanopoulou & C. Boeckx. 2016. Oxytocin pathways, language-related genes, and the emergence of modern cognition. 10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3 July.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2016. Oxytocin and Brain Rhythms. BARCCSYN 2016 meeting (Barcelona Computational, Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience), Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain, 16 June.
C. Boeckx, C. Theofanopoulou & S. Alamri. 2016. A syntax of Brain Rhythms for natural language syntax. BARCCSYN 2016 meeting (Barcelona Computational, Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience), Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, Spain, 17 June.
C. Theofanopoulou & C. Boeckx. 2016. Sapiens-specific genetic changes affecting oxytocin pathways. The European Conference of Human Genetics 2016, CCIB, Barcelona, Spain, 21 May.
C. Boeckx & C. Theofanopoulou. 2016. Genomic evidence for self-domestication in anatomically modern humans. The European Conference of Human Genetics 2016, CCIB, Barcelona, Spain, 22 May.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2016. A framework for studying self- domestication. 8th Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science, Center for Advanced Studies of Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1 May.
C. Theofanopoulou, S. Alamri & C. Boeckx. 2016. A brain symphony for natural language syntax. The Nijmegen Lectures 2016 (David Poeppel), Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 22 January.
S. Alamri, E. Q. Zhang, C. Theofanopoulou, G. Castillo, E. R. Shi, E. P. T . Martins, S. Martínez-Ferreiro, & C. Boeckx. 2015. Implications of subcortical structures in Aphasia. Academy of Aphasia 53rd Annual Meeting. Tucson, Arizona, USA, 18 October. [Front. Psychol. Conference Abstract: Academy of Aphasia 53rd Annual Meeting. doi: 10.3389/conf.fpsyg.2015.65.00081]
Benítez-Burraco, C. Theofanopoulou, & C. Boeckx. 2015. Recent brain-related gene mutations and the emergence of our language-ready brain. Tokyo Lectures in Language Evolution. University of Tokyo, Japan. April 2.
E.Q. Zhang, C. Theofanopoulou, S. Alamri, G. Castillo, E.R. Shi, P.T. Martins, S. Martinez Ferreiro & C. Boeckx. 2015. Aphasia and subcortical structures. Experimental Psycholinguistics Conference, University of Madrid, Spain, 7 October.
C. Theofanopoulou, E. Q. Zhang, S. Alamri, G. Castillo, E. R. Shi, P. T. Martins, S. Martinez Ferreiro, & C. Boeckx. 2015. Subcortical structures and language disruption. 16th Science of Aphasia Conference, University of Aveiro, Portugal, 17 September.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2015. What cognitive phylogenies got wrong. Tokyo Lectures in Language Evolution. University of Tokyo, Japan. April 2.
C. Theofanopoulou. 2015. A cognitive approach to the light verb constructions. Formal Semantics Meets Cognitive Semantics. University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands. January 22.